A Message From Our Staff
Principals Message
A warm welcome to the 2020 academic year!! I wish all staff members a successful and enriching new year filled with satisfaction and prosperity.
The new year is sure to bring along new challenges and an increased administration load. Staff changes are inevitable and it is expected that mentors, subject heads and phase heads will provide guidance and support to the new and inexperienced teachers. Teamwork and co-operation is going to be even more important in ensuring a successful year. In order for us to be successful as a school, we need to work well together, whether it’s in grades, phases or the staff as a whole.
The academic year 2019 had its challenges but yet as a staff we were able to overcome the obstacles, trials and tribulations through professionalism, hard work, commitment and dedication.
Fundraising activities were once again the highlight of the year. The surfwalk and food fair generated much needed funds for the school. From an academic perspective, all pass rate targets were reached as set out in the beginning of the year. We will continue to strive to obtain a 100% pass rate in all grades.
Continue Educators must continue to plan thoroughly and present lessons in an interesting, meaningful and exciting manner. Learners are sent to school to learn and the core job description of teachers is to teach. The focus for this year must be on the teaching and learning function which includes the dreaded, additional and sometimes unnecessary administrative load. Qualities like dedication, commitment, hard work, creativity and innovation are quintessential to being an effective educator and it is expected that all staff will embrace these qualities to ensure a successful 2020. Wishing you everything of the best for the 2020 academic year. Yours faithfully Mr R. Smith Principal Less
Extra Murals
Athletics, Yoga, Arts & Crafts, Soccer, Netball, Marching Band, Soul Buddyz
School Times
Grade R, 1, 2:
Monday – Thursday at 13h00, Friday at 11h45
Grade 3
Monday – Thursday at 13h45, Friday at 11h45
Grades 4-7
Monday – Thursday at 14h15, Friday at 12h30
Food Fair
Car Show